Our mastering process gives your final track major label sound with ultimate clarity that sounds consistently incredible in every listening environment.

Our approach to mixing places an emphasis on creating balance without compromising on the depth of emotion you've put into your art.

We want to help you position yourself for success. We are happy to share advise and, offer a no obligation mastering readiness assessment.
Project Samples
Here are some before-and-after examples of the work we’ve delivered for past clients.
Tom Driver
Breaking Down The Barricades
Mixing and Mastering
Mixing and Mastering
Alex Paterson
This Life
Stem Mastering
Stem Mastering
Vale La Peña Creer
Vital Odisea
Balsam Conditioned
Client Testimonials
Todd was a pleasure to work with, his master has really brought my song to life and he gave me some great advice, I will definitely be using him again.
Tom Driver
I asked for one revision which was returned with speed. That was it, job done and well satisfied with the result. Would recommend and will definitely use in the future. The actual mix advice I received from Todd was crystal clear documentation that let me make a few quick adjustments before sending him my file. That was game changing advice, for free and without my asking. Highly recommended!
Alex Paterson, Lemonesque Studios
I really like the sound! Somehow you've tightened it all up together and did to the vocals exactly what should be done (which I don't know what it is but they sound fire now). This technical thing is not nearly as important as the way that the song make us feel when we listen to it. As one of my idols says "we get paid for our taste not our skills". It's clear that you actually dig the song. It has this lush yet clear "future soul" feel to it now.
Balsam Conditioned
Get Your Readiness Assessment With No Obligation
Before you get started, you'll need to get your tracks ready for the process. We offer an assessment and, where possible, a short sample of what we are able to achieve with your track, with no obligation to work with us.